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My actual problem wasn't that the query string had something that shouldn't be there, like I was thinking, because string strMySqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM My_Table" was my string and thought it could be the * or _, but the actual problem was in FillTable(), where I had a call to another function, GetConnection() that returned an OracleConnection object, in order to open it and retrieve and return the DataTable. Inside GetConnection() I was getting the app.config parameters for my connection string, and I had one of them misnamed, so it was setting a null value for the service account's password and not making the DB connection. So it's not always where the error is exactly correct for all circumstances. Best to dive into the function where the error is and debug step-by-step and ensure all values are getting filled with what you expect.


I am trying to run a classic asp project on visual studio and therefore I am trying to restore a database. I cannot seem to find the .bak file when trying to restore it. It wasn't visible in the C-drive. I have looked it up and have seen that it has something to do with permissions. I have tried enabling permissions after properties>security of .bak file to 'Everyone', it did not work. I have also tried NT Service\MSSQLSERVER. Please see the following below.

I'm facing simpler issue for sql server standalone 2014 enterprise edition ,installed in my home system . I tried every possibility provided in various article but strangely the issue is with my 2 named instance .I can restore database on my default instance with query and GUI . I tried changing log-on as account of sql server service for named instance to 'network service' or 'local system' and giving them full control permission to backup holding folder .

However - This may be due to that one does not follow to restore from the [device] option first. Even you store the .bak in the right path, it is initially from the [Source]->[Database] check box, until you follow the steps to restore via the [device] option

To see how Azure SQL pricing compares to other storage services, see our in-depth article about Azure storage pricing. Also learn about low-cost Azure storage options that can help you conserve costs.

NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP, the leading enterprise-grade storage management solution, delivers secure, proven storage management services on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. Cloud Volumes ONTAP supports up to a capacity of 368TB, and supports various use cases such as file services, databases, DevOps or any other enterprise workload.

I am trying to work on a query to attach a database (UNC path) remotely. I have SQL Server management studio (SSMS) installed in SQL Server machine (machineSQL) and also in another machine (machineRemote) in same domain.

NOTE : The issue is occurring only if windows authentication is used to log in SSMS. SQL Server authentication works just fine. I have tried domain user permission on the database file path and also tried running SQL Server services as domain user, still no luck.

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If you detached the file, the file rights are set to the service account on the server you dethatched the files from. You must reset the rights to be accessible to the "machineRemote" SQL Server service account.

SQL Server database engine service account must have permissions to read/write in the new folder. To fix it, I did the following: Added the Administrators Group to the file security permissions with full control for the Data file (S:) and the Log File (T:). Attached the database and it works fine.

With the default settings, I can see the Max Transfer Size is1024 KB and the Buffer Count is 6 and the Total BufferSpace is 6 MB. This is calculated as follows Total Buffer Space= Max Transfer Size * Buffer Count. 2ff7e9595c

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