Program: College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental ScienceCareer: UndergraduateCategory: Embedded Certificate (1b)Website: date: July 5, 2011
ohio state university school of medicine registrar
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Proposals for establishing new courses or curricula for alterations in existing courses or curricula shall originate in the departments or schools and, in the case of departments, shall be subject to acceptance, revision, or rejection by the college or school of which those departments are a part. Proposals of departments, if approved by the college, and those of schools shall be submitted to the council on academic affairs. The council on academic affairs shall refer all courses involving graduate credit to the curriculum committee of the graduate school, which shall subsequently notify the council on academic affairs of the action taken in respect to acceptance of such proposed courses for credit toward graduate degrees. The council on academic affairs shall then take final action on the proposals in accordance with rule 3335-8-02 of the Administrative Code, keeping in mind the entire program of the department, the school, the college, and the university.
All official bulletins of the university shall be published from the copy furnished by the council on academic affairs; but mere editorial changes, as defined by the council on academic affairs, may be made in such copy by the appropriate designated individual in the office of academic affairs after receiving the approval of the department or school concerned.
Instructors shall make their class rosters solely from the rosters issued by the office of the university registrar, except that each department or school is authorized to change the hour assignment of a student for courses offered in more than one section. The department or school shall notify the office of the university registrar of all such changes.
The deans or secretaries of the several colleges and schools, or designees, shall approve the schedules of classes of students in their colleges and schools but the assignment to hours and all changes in such assignment shall be made by the office of the university registrar.
(B) The university registrar will monitor the frequency of course offerings, identify those that have not been offered for three consecutive years, and inform the dean of the appropriate college. The dean and the chair or director of the relevant instructional unit will decide whether to remove that course from the course bulletin prior to the next academic year.
(A) Examinations administered during the final exam period for classes taught on the regional campuses and for classes whose enrollment is exclusively of students registered in the colleges of dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine will be scheduled by the offices of the regional campuses and of the colleges respectively. All examination schedules prepared outside the office of the university registrar shall, before publication, be cleared with the office of the university registrar which shall have the power to resolve all conflicts.
(B) All other examinations administered during the final exam period shall be centrally scheduled by the office of the university registrar. The official examination schedules shall be strictly adhered to by all instructors. Any deviation must first be approved by the appropriate university official (department chair, regional campus dean and director, or college dean) in consultation with the office of the university registrar, which shall have the power to resolve all conflicts. Final grades for graduating students must be submitted electronically to the office of the university registrar by the deadlines established by that office.
(A) A mark filed in the office of the university registrar is a part of the official records of the university. It is subject to change only when a procedural error has been discovered in evaluation or recording of a grade. Action to change a grade must be initiated before the end of the second succeeding semester or summer term. In no case will a grade be revised in accordance with criteria other than those applied to all students in the class. If the instructor agrees that an error in the mark was made, the mark will be changed upon written authorization of:
(A) Withdrawal from the university during a semester, summer term, or session, constitutes withdrawal from all courses in which a student is enrolled during that semester, summer term, or session. Upon official notification of the student's withdrawal from the university, the university registrar is authorized to enter the dated notation "withdrew" on the student's official permanent record.
(D) After close of business of the fourth Friday of a semester or summer term; the second Friday of a seven-week session during a semester, or a six- or eight-week session during summer term; or the first Friday of a four-week summer session, if a student withdraws from any or all courses which began in the same semester, summer term, or session, the university registrar is authorized to enter the mark "W" on the student's official permanent record for the courses withdrawn.
After those dates, a student, who because of circumstances beyond his or her control finds it necessary to withdraw from any or all courses, must file the appropriate petition with the authorized representative of the dean or director of the enrollment unit. Reasons not acceptable include (but are not limited to) the student's performance in the course(s), lack of preparation for the course(s), or dissatisfaction with the subject matter offered in the course(s). If the petition is approved, a copy will be filed with the university registrar who is then authorized to enter the mark "W" on the student's official permanent record and the instructor(s) of the course(s) will be so notified. If the petition is not approved, the student continues to be enrolled in the course(s) and a final mark must be submitted by the instructor(s). Withdrawal from any and all courses shall not be permitted after the last day of regularly scheduled classes except when the student experiences a genuine emergency after the regularly scheduled classes end and prior to sitting for the final examination in a given course or courses.
(C) Credit for all rescheduled courses resulting from action under paragraph (A)(3) of this rule shall count toward the fulfillment of graduation requirements unless the student has previously earned university or college credit in a course having substantially the same subject matter content or the substituted course is one which the department or school, with the approval of the council on academic affairs, has established for students with inadequate preparation for college level courses of that department or school.
(D) If a student who has enrolled to audit a course fails to complete the requirements for audit specified by the instructor and also fails to withdraw from the course, the instructor shall so inform the office of the university registrar when marks are reported for the semester, summer term, or session. That office will then disenroll the student from the course, removing the course from the student's permanent record, and will notify the student and the student's college of the action taken.
The Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) guidelines allow Ohio residents 12 months out of the state before they "lose" their residency for tuition purposes. If you leave the state for more than 12 months, you will no longer be considered an Ohio resident. If you can clearly demonstrate that your reason for leaving the state is solely for educational purposes (i.e. attending an out-of-state school), and that you have maintained all other ties to Ohio (i.e. subjecting income to Ohio taxation, maintaining an Ohio driver's license and voter registration, etc.) you may still be considered a resident. However, if you leave for reasons other than educational ones, for example, to accept employment in another state, you would lose your residency after 12 months. It is important to consider future residency implications when planning a move or extended stay outside Ohio.
A national search has led to the appointment of Julia Pomerenk as assistant vice president and university registrar. Pomerenk will assume the new role this summer after serving as registrar at Washington State University for 14 years.
Prior to her position at Washington State, Pomerenk worked at Pacific Lutheran University, where she held the position of registrar. While working at WSU, she collaborated to establish the curriculum for the new College of Medicine, from concept to courses. Additionally, Pomerenk has served as president of the Pacific Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers and served in other leadership positions at the state, regional and national level.
Students are assessed tuition based on their state of residency as determined by the university. Under certain conditions, non-residents can reclassify for in-state Ohio resident tuition. Options are also available for residents of Kentucky and Indiana to afford their medical education at a rate near the in-state amount as well. Information pertaining to all of the university's residency options for Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana are available on UC's Registrar website. 2ff7e9595c